Hersenletsel Liga launches Day of the Bicycle Helmet

Hersenletsel Liga launches Day of the Bicycle Helmet

Road  08/04/2024

On Wednesday, April 10, the Hersenletsel Liga, with the support of the Vias Institute and various medical associations, is organizing the first Day of the Bicycle Helmet in Flanders. With this initiative, they aim to encourage cyclists to wear a bicycle helmet and thereby prevent severe head injuries. To spread the message, they are urging people of all ages to post a selfie wearing a bicycle helmet on social media with the hashtag #helmop.

Brain injury, it happens to more people than you think! In Belgium, an estimated 300,000 people have a Non-Traumatic Brain Injury (NAH). The issue of brain injuries is hardly recognized. Broad awareness at all levels is therefore necessary. More and more people are taking up cycling. Whether it's for recreation, commuting to work/school, or for sports. Cycling is healthy and makes people happier, but more cycling also brings additional challenges. Of course, good cycling infrastructure is important, with sufficient segregated bike lanes. Motorized road users should also always reduce their speed near cyclists and maintain a sufficient distance when overtaking. Bicycle accidents are not always caused by collisions, but very often by falls. Among cyclists themselves or often even without any other party involved. Therefore, protecting yourself with a bicycle helmet is a no-brainer.

In the event of a fall, a bicycle helmet provides enormous protection. Unfortunately, hospitals see cyclists arriving daily with serious head injuries, which often lead to irreversible brain injuries. In a quarter of hospitalized cyclists, a skull or brain injury is the primary injury. The visible and often invisible consequences stay with you for the rest of your life. Using a suitable bicycle helmet reduces the risk of a serious head injury by 60%.

The Hersenletsel Liga aims to reach young and old with the Day of the Bicycle Helmet and convince them to wear the bicycle helmet. They also call on everyone to post as many selfies with the bicycle helmet during the period of the Day of the Bicycle Helmet on social media with #helmop. More information can be found at www.dagvandefietshelm.be.

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